So Exrteme You'll Love It
7 June 2005
If you're not a fan of non-stop swearing, crude humor, musicals, satire, violence, or just South Park in general then don't watch this. Trey Parker and Matt Stone hold nothing back during this movie. Everything they can't get away with on television they do so with Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. Weather anyone believes it or not BLU is a musical in every respect. From the intro song(Small Mountain Town) to the money number(Uncle F*cker, which you will find yourself singing in the shower), this is a musical top to bottom. The movie kicks off with the kids going to see the Terrance and Phillip movie where they hear so many bad words they become corrupted and begin to use them in their every day lives. Kyle's mom is so outraged by this film that she, along with the rest of South Park, manage to get the United States to go to war with Canada for sending the Terrance and Phillip movie to America. Stan, Kyle, and Cartmen form a resistance group to fight their parents and the war, and Kenny goes to Hell where Satan and Saddam (who are gay lovers in the movie) plan on taking over Earth by using the war. This movie is so great it's hard not to love it, especially since it made the Book of World Records for 399 swear words and 128 offensive gestures. Parker and Stone out-did themselves with this movie. You'll laugh until you hurt.
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