Another End (2024)
On dealing with loss
12 September 2024
Another End is an AI company which offers their clients a temporary replacement of a person who recently died, in order to properly say goodbye to them. The deceased (they call them the 'absent') person's memories are transferred to another person's body and mind, and for a certain period of time this person becomes the absent person, without knowing so. As you're reading this, you probably start realizing how many ethical problems of all sorts that might engender, which it of course does; and it makes us doubt the efficiency and success of the whole idea.

All in all, it looks like the main message of the film is that it is natural to want to overcome death however irrational it is. Yet, this desperate desire (and in this film even a feasible option at least for some time) might end up causing even more pain and health problems.

On a happier note, we get a glimpse of how it looks like from the Host's side (the Host is the person who is paid for offering their body temporarily for the experiment) and those parts of the film showed how healing and powerful a real human connection can be and that talking to someone about your loss can be the wonderful first step of this 'saying goodbye' and carrying on.
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