Review of Andromedia

Andromedia (1998)
Certainly one of Miike's lesser films
17 January 2005
Even if, in the future, he becomes the world's most beloved director and everyone everywhere seeks out all his films, Andromedia will be forgotten. There's really no such thing as "typical Miike", but this film is somehow definitely atypical Miike. It's a teeny cyber-thriller that stars not one, but two Japanese teen pop groups, Speed and Da Pump, both of which get a song. Da Pump, the boy band, even gets their own music video in the middle of the movie for no good reason. So, yeah, it's kind of corny, but it's corny in a fun way. And it's just fun to see Miike do this kind of pap. The film's villains – whose motives we never really understand – are goofy and entertaining, especially Christopher Doyle, best know as the cinematographer of Zhang Yimou's Hero, who plays a shorts-wearing evil corporate guy from Detroit. He looks like he was downloaded from the mid-80s. Doyle even gets to dance during Da Pump's big musical number. So Andromedia's not half bad if you can take a bit of goofiness.
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