This independent movie is not just based on the story written by Oscar Wilde, must part of the plot is based on the story Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. It's an interesting mixture between two of the most famous masterpieces of literature. They are built into one love story that works out very well. It's very solid, and the story follows a straight line. The romance between the two girls is well done, and it can feel the chemistry between, even without one single kiss in the entire film. The female version of Dorian Gray turns out to be a very good mixture between the original Dorian Gray and Estella from Great Expectations. They were very subtle developing the romance without too much to show. It has a fascinating ending, although the final moral has some contradictions. This version of The Picture Of Dorian Gray turns out to be a neat film that updates accurately two great classics to current times. My final rating for this film is an 8/10.