I love the prequels. I do. And while this whole show did a good job of being separate from that trilogy, it did not satisfy me as Disney thought they were doing. Several times while watching I thought I was taking part in a fan fiction. Why does it look like Marvel in places? Why is the writing cheesy? Disney has enough money to hire good writers right? As for the Vader confrontations... they did not work. They were just lengthy (clumsy even) fights and they did nothing for obi wan and Anakin's relationship. The girl playing Leia did a very good job and so did Ewan by playing very heartfelt roles. Everyone else felt forced. Also, the third sister, fifth brother, 124th second cousin whatever that language was... it didn't make any sense. They weren't using those terms in clone wars, the prequels, or the originals so why use them now? Very inconsistent. Disney writers- when you think you're being cool for writing new terms just for the sake of being cool, you're NOT being cool (please stop forcing things and be consistent). Anyways, I'm glad I watched it but it could've been better. Bravo John Williams for another theme. You keep being you.