An excellent Carmelo Gómez has to investigate when appears a drowned fisherman washes up, on the shores of Galicia.
18 September 2024
On the beach of Panxión, in Galicia, the corpse of the inshore fisherman Justo Castelao has appeared. Inspector Leo Caldas (Carmelo Gómez) along with his assistant (Antonio Garrido) will be in charge of investigating the death of the sailor. A shipwreck !. No one speaks !. A mystery to solve !.

Director Gerardo Herrero presents this film in a very stylish and straight-forward way. This is a good suspense movie with adequate scenarios and dealing with an offbeat, surprising murder that leads to twisted consequences. It is an acceptable and decent film about two cops looking for a mysterious murderer, though copying here and there the typical American thrillers and even the CSI investigation .The movie is exhilarating in its visual approach , including thrills , chills , intrigue , plot twists , and spectacular visual spectacle. Director Gerardo Herrero adapts to the big screen the novel ¨A praia dos afogados¨ (La playa de los ahogados), the second novel by the Galician writer Domingo Villar. The novel, like Villar's first book (Ojos de agua) is starred by Inspector Leo Caldas, a withdrawn and solitary Galician policeman. The film is shot in a remarkably simple and direct fashion, which keeps the script and roles clear, but sacrifices at times a lot of opportunities for a more innovative treatment. The person in charge of giving life to Caldos is the already veteran actor Carmelo Gómez as the local detective sets out to resolve the case. Leo Caldas is a calm and methodical police detective, with a clear level of serenity and patience that enables his investigation to take priority over any significant back story or character flaws. He is accompanied by Antonio Garrido in the role of sub-inspector Rafael Estévez, the tough assistant of the inspector who does not stop at anything and uses more coercive and even violent means. Rafael is an Aragonese who does not understand Galicia or the Galicians. He is the physical, aggressive off-sider to Caldas' thoughtful protagonist, growing angry while Caldas remains calm and applying force where Caldas would prefer to hold back. Garrido plays the part acceptably, but he does seem too much of a stereotype. Starring alongside them in this police thriller are Luis Zahera who seems terrific, playing one of the key suspects in a multi-layered fashion that provides a good amount of extra nuance; as well as Celso Bugallo, Pedro Alonso, Fernando Morán, Marta Larralde, Tamar Novas, María Vázquez, and Celia Freijeiro, most of whom are Galician actors.

The Galician landscape and coastal towns present opportunities for an attractively framed and colorful film, including gorgeous exteriors, atmospherically photographed from Nigrán, Pontevedra, Galicia. Adding an evocative as well as intriguing musical score by expert composer Lucio Godoy. Gerardo Herrero was President of the Spanish Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (1994-1994) . Great producer of big hits, being especially known for ¨The Secret of your ears¨ (2009), ¨Sin Retorno¨ (2010) , ¨Balada Triste de Trompeta¨ (2010), ¨Crimenes De Oxford¨ (2008) and¨ El Hijo De La Novia¨ (2001). He also directed some good films, such as: ¨Silencio En Nieve¨ , ¨Corredor Nocturno¨ , ¨Principio Arquímedes¨, ¨Crimen Galindez¨ , ¨Frontera Sur¨, ¨Territorio Comanche¨, ¨Desvio a Paraíso¨ , ¨Al Acecho¨ , ¨Heroína¨, ¨Bajo terapia¨ and many others. La playa de los ahogados(2015) Rating: 6.5/10.
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