Review of The Upper Hand

lots of familiar faces in this okay film
22 September 2024
In kanopy, it's called upper hand. En françe, it's du rififi â paname. Jean gabin is paul berger, well known thief. Now he's using couriers to run gold to countries where it's worth more. And he accidentally hires a copper to make a run from london to tokyo. Not a lot of suspense, but some well known faces and international intrigue. It's all okay. Script needed some jazzing up. And the translation for the subtitles is less than optimal. George raft is binnagio. And keep an eye out for gert fröbe as walter at 32 minutes in; he was the bad guy in goldfinger and ... chitty chitty bang bang... of course! At 29 minutes in, there's an ad for a "black and white minstrel show", so that might offend some. It's entertaining. Directed by denys de la patellière.
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