Leon Errol has switched from writing bad mystery novels to writing about child psychology. Despite his knowing nothing on the subject, it's a best seller. He promptly marries Vivien Oakland, who introduces him to her bratty son, Benny Bartlett. Benny insists on accompanying them on their honeymoon. Next step: a train's sleeper car.
Benny pretty much co-stars with Errol in this short, and it's a pretty good job he makes of it. They do a nice variation on the undressing-in-an-upper-berth routine that was a staple of the screen in the era, and a supporting cast which includes Landers Tevens and Fred Kelsey keep this one tight, amusing, and well paced.
Benny pretty much co-stars with Errol in this short, and it's a pretty good job he makes of it. They do a nice variation on the undressing-in-an-upper-berth routine that was a staple of the screen in the era, and a supporting cast which includes Landers Tevens and Fred Kelsey keep this one tight, amusing, and well paced.