Low-Budget Amateur Mess
22 September 2024
The tragedy of this movie is that it has some really good elements. Some the dialogue is sharp. There are some talented performers involved: Billy Drago, Maria Conchita Alonso and Sid Haig, in particular, have enough screen presence to be compelling even in a low-budget production. Some character exchanges and even a couple of entire scenes are quite good. Alas the remainder of the production is amateur-hour ineptitude. The cinematography is like someone with a camcorder dialed the tint all the way up. The pacing and plot progression are incompetent: characters and concepts are introduced and then ignored for long stretches. The characters' motivations, and the plot as a whole, are trite and often nonsensical. The editing is flabby. There's no stakes, urgency or tension. I'm a sucker for a good werewolf movie - or even a bad one - but this barely qualifies as a movie.
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