A man released from prison goes on a journey to find his daughter. That's the starting premise of this story and it leads to a few twists and turns and surprises as he uncovers the truth. He learns as much about himself and what he's capable of doing as he goes on his mission. Luthuli Dlamani is the lead character and he holds the story together through his strong, commanding presence. He skillfully walks the fine line between being ruthless and determined like an ex-criminal and being empathetic and sensitive as a father searching for his daughter. His character has a cold streak that might disconnect from others but the film makes you understand his methods and motives. The writer-director, Henry Charly, keeps the direction tight on the narrative. Charly also served as cinematographer and beautifully shoots Cape Town in both warm and cool tones, befitting the lead character's own journey. I'm looking forward to seeing this filmmaker's next film.