Mr. McMahon (2024)
Take it with a pinch of salt for what it is.
27 September 2024
This documentary has to be viewed in the current climate that WWE & Netflix have a deal, & both have a shared interest in promoting Raw in 2025. So if you are a long-term wrestling fan, this disjointed documentary won't tell you anything new.

It clearly started out life as a puff peice for WWE & Vince McMahon, who gets to talk a lot about himself while not really revealing anything much about himself. However, there are some unintentionally creepy moments in his interview that Netflix exploits to the full. The talking heads on the whole say positive things about McMahon, & even those who speak out against him feel like they've been specially selected by Vince, so that he can rebuke their comments & knock them down like skittles. Whether he does this successfully is up for debate.

The documentary appears to have been shelved in 2022 when McMahon stepped down as CEO. You can almost feel the bitterness when Netflix puts up the caption that McMahon ceased all interviews at this time, leaving them high & dry. When WWE & Netflix brokered a deal for Raw, the finishing of this documentary must have been on the table as part of the deal, timed to promote the new partnership. Then the law suit happened, & what you are left with is a mess of a final episode.

The last 15 years are glossed over, & if you don't know much about WWE, you are left thinking John Cena was the last big superstar. Roman Reigns is relegated to someone who just wanders around in the background & a few match clips. The second half of the episode covers the law suit, but here Netflix hands are tied. As the investigation & law suit are not concluded, & they are now linked to WWE they really can't say much. It's just a few rehashed news clips & screen shots of text messages briefly flashed on screen which leaves the last episode, & series on a whole, feeling like a disappointment. Perhaps McMahon sensed this & has spoken out about distancing himself from the project, & there's a story that he tried to buy it back to keep it from airing. This just sounds like Vince McMahon the showman/the promoter, generating heat for the show to get people to watch it, & it worked. He's probably laughing behind the scenes, & reinforcing that he's still involved with the WWE product, without officially being involved.
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