Wow.So far the best horror movie of 2024
27 September 2024
I don't like the scary horror movie with bloody scenes. As a Asians I love the horror movie that is similar to our story that we use to hear. This movie is exactly that our elder tell us. (Not in the movie) my grandmother's told us before we eat dinner call the family by names to come and eat, don't say everyone come and eat. After coming back from cemetery wash the whole body including hair. When you are coming home at night don't bring any meat items. If a pregnant woman going out at night tide your hair and click the pin in the bra. Don't buy or rent the house if it's abandoned for so long because bad things start living there. Don't cut the nail or hair at night. If you are sleeping straight probably you can get the sleep paralysis. There are more of them which elder believe. Nowadays we don't follow those. Eventhough some are should not be ignore.
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