"Bohurupi" is a captivating Bengali film that artfully blends drama and thrill while exploring the theme of chase between a cop and a bank robber. The narrative centers around a robber, who adopts various personas while committing the crimes. This journey not only reflects his personal struggles but also critiques societal pressures that give birth to criminals. The film shines with strong performances, particularly from the leads, Abir Chatterjee and Shiboprosad Mukherjee and the two women in their lives, Ritabhari Chakraborty and Koushani Mukherjee. All of them bring depth to their multifaceted characters. The cinematography beautifully captures the vibrant essence of Bengali culture, puts the light on Bohurupis, while the screenplay is laced with strong dialogues that keep the audience engaged. Overall, "Bohurupi" is a thought-provoking cinematic experience that resonates well beyond its runtime.