Memento Mori (VIII) (2018)
It's been done before... But with added flavour
10 October 2024
The good old characters stuck together with no memory recollection and all trying to escape the captivity.

This plot has been done before, and the end is usually the same because this kind of plot is obvious.

Saw movie was the first that did it, if I am correct. Then others followed.

This was the same usual story plot of unknown characters who wake up together in a room with no recollection of who they are or how they got there. They are all linked together and all try to work out the past or confess their sins. In the end the innocent one or surprising character walks out free.

The only difference with this story is that the culprit is actually locked up with the characters.

This movie adds nothing new, I do like the surprises which was the spice they added to this cliche plot. Would I recommend this movie? Yes and no.

Yes if you like this kind of plot like Jackie Chan Lockdown (police story 2013), Saw, Circle 2015, Exam 2009, Cube movies, Escape Room etc.

Then I recommend this movie, it has surprising moments and interesting plot twist.

No, because it adds nothing new. Exam, Saw, Cube movie and Escape Room are done better.
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