Sweetpea (2024– )
Obituary #2
13 October 2024
I was initially a little annoyed with this show because it as too obvious what her character turn would be, from the first five minutes... Additionally, it reminded me way too much of the show Obituary, also from the UK, release only not so long ago. Similar quirkiness, dark comedy, office setting, reporter job, character turn and plot - but I felt the Obituary show was more unique in its nuance and story plot. I feel the striking resemblance has to be called out, and the plot is predictable , BUT neverthless- I eventually got into a groove with it and it turned out to be quite a fun romp of a show, even if the storyline wasn't particularly original, unique or powerful- it's a fun dark comedy and you eventually get taken along for the ride ... And swept into binging the series ;)
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