The Substance (2024)
A future point of reference in movies
21 October 2024
The first thing that anyone must acknowledge is that this is a very unique movie. Even if you like it or not.

I have seen splatters, i have seen people cutting the skin and taking out their bowls and eating them, i laughed. In this movie i got my stomach upset and wanted to threw up, the writer and director is a very sick person which made a very sick movie. The cinematography and director approach is amazing, the scenes are a punch in the stomach. It is amazing how everything can make you so upset and sick.

Moore probably made the first and last excellent acting choice that will give her an award, the nepo girl, i do not care if the boobs were fake, she was sexy as hell. This was supposed to embrace sexy ness and drooling from the caricatures man's on the movie, and audience.

The story was so well told, so amazing, so crazy, so sick (the sick is a word that should use very often on every review). It was 2 hours and 20 minutes, i do not think that could be any less in order to present all of that. The content and story and ideas and what the creator wanted to tell the audience for this movie can be interpreted in many ways.

This is a unique style and a very unique movie that will be a point of reference.
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