Grave Torture (2024)
An Ambitious Horror That Loses Its Way
25 October 2024
Have you ever been in a group project where everyone had a good idea, but no one could agree on which one to use? That's exactly how this movie feels. While it does deliver some genuine scares (hence the bump to a 5), the overall direction is completely scattered. It feels like a college movie project gone off the rails.

This is not a 6/7-star horror movie like The Night House, A Dark Song, Session 9, Tigers Are Not Afraid, Huesera: The Bone Woman, or Lake Mungo (which I personally think deserve higher ratings, but are likely dragged down by non-horror fans). I suspect this film's rating may be inflated, possibly due to being more catered to a religious Indonesian audience.

It's worth a watch, but don't make it the main event for movie night. It's the kind of film you put on when you don't mind your friends talking during it. Or maybe the one you watch before diving into something really good.

Honestly, this movie would've worked better as an anthology. The number of different directions it tries to go in ends up being almost comedic at times.
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