Product placement at its finest...
26 October 2024
I have actually watched this 1988 horror comedy "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" once before, but must admit that I remember it only by its title and the fact that it had George Clooney on the cast list. And thus I opted to sit down and watch the movie again here in 2024, as I had the opportunity to do so.

Writers Stephen Andrich, John De Bello, Costa Dillon and J. Stephen Peace put together something that truly was unique and one of its kind. While I have indeed also watched the 1978 movie "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!", I have to say that I can't recall that movie. So how much of a direct continuation "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" is to the first movie, I have no idea.

And like all movies should actually have, there are ninjas in "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!". Ninjas just make everything all the more enjoyable.

Not only is George Clooney on the cast list, but "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" also has the likes of Anthony Starke and John Astin on the cast list. The acting performances in this parody is actually fair.

Sure, "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" is a movie of somewhat acquired taste, but it definitely is worth checking out.

The product placement parody in the movie was hilarious.

This is a low budget movie, no doubt about it. But that doesn't really matter, because there is just something fundamentally enjoyable about how campy, cheesy and ridiculous the movie is that makes it work.

My rating of director John De Bello's 1988 movie "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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