Hollywood is dead!
31 October 2024
It must be nice to have such good friends and crew members who all think this movie is a 10 and not one score under 10 given.

How did this movie get made?

Someone actually financed this garbage?

Good luck getting your money back.

The acting was beyond bad.

ChatGPT could have written a better script.

The directing, lets just not comment on that, I have nothing nice to say about that.

Hollywood is dead. Its that simple.

No more good ideas and even less talented writers / directors who can produce a descent movie these days.

For all those who gave it a resounding 10 out of 10, get your head examined. This movie was a train wreck and if you think this is worthy of a 10, clearly this is the only movie you ever watched in your life and never witnessed a well crafted, well written, well acted and directed movie.

Guys stop giving 10's.
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