Revealing Deep Pain
3 November 2024
We saw it last night! A riveting vision of the persistent pain of the Holocaust as it surfaces in the poetry of today. Hearing Celan read "Todesfugue" (DeathFugue) gave us chills. Kudos to poet-producer Janet R. Kirchheimer for pulling together a startling range of poetry and poets (and actors and technicians); to Richard Kroehling, the director and editor, for shaping its disparate parts into a rhythmic, coherent whole; to an amazing array poets including: Edward Hirsch, Cornelius Eady (for a stunning, whispered reading of an anonymous poem), Alicia Suskin Ostriker,Sabrina Orah Mark, and Géza Röhrig. Cinematographer Lisa Rinzler delivers potent and graceful visual equivalents to the poetry.
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