A fairly decent for a low budget zombie movie. Clearly a rather local production (as the inter textual reference to a book alludes to?). This offers enough for a zombie movie fan, but of course only for them.
Although believable characters - not too logical or coherent, a bit one-dimensional caricatures, but with clear inclinations - the script tends to be a bit hindered with a bit unclear jumpy timeline. Also some of the fight scenes are a bit unrealistic (how come people dont use the barricades for what they are for - narrowing the point of entry), but well.... Doesn't ruin it though, since the pacing is very good: the director kept things running all the time, with a sense of constant urgency, and to me it tells about good directing and/or editing.
Makeup and lights decent, although maybe some after work for the film general colour spectrum could have been done (i mean, maybe a bit softer tone - not sure if it would have effected the realism feel of it a bit). No interesting artsy camera tricks unfortunately, which might have brought extra points - camerawork basic.
The motive or "message", or point in script is not very well fleshed out, but once again the all-important pacing and speed makes up for it.
About the same level as World War Z (not logical but well paced etc.), but with way less expense. I myself hate the economic waste done with "blockbuster budgets". One does not need a big budget to make a good film, or even a decent entertainment film (this film in question definitely falling to the latter category). The difference is one of creativity - if one has low budget, one needs to have fun with the crew (it shows; and that is what makes it a collective form of art, which a movie is, just as a medieval cathedral) and/or get creative (the creativity doesn't show here, but i bet there was plenty of it in the production: surely they had to pull some strings with the local community and had to really figure how to get things done with such a low budget). This is clearly more of a "movie" than the antithesis of it - "a product".
Although believable characters - not too logical or coherent, a bit one-dimensional caricatures, but with clear inclinations - the script tends to be a bit hindered with a bit unclear jumpy timeline. Also some of the fight scenes are a bit unrealistic (how come people dont use the barricades for what they are for - narrowing the point of entry), but well.... Doesn't ruin it though, since the pacing is very good: the director kept things running all the time, with a sense of constant urgency, and to me it tells about good directing and/or editing.
Makeup and lights decent, although maybe some after work for the film general colour spectrum could have been done (i mean, maybe a bit softer tone - not sure if it would have effected the realism feel of it a bit). No interesting artsy camera tricks unfortunately, which might have brought extra points - camerawork basic.
The motive or "message", or point in script is not very well fleshed out, but once again the all-important pacing and speed makes up for it.
About the same level as World War Z (not logical but well paced etc.), but with way less expense. I myself hate the economic waste done with "blockbuster budgets". One does not need a big budget to make a good film, or even a decent entertainment film (this film in question definitely falling to the latter category). The difference is one of creativity - if one has low budget, one needs to have fun with the crew (it shows; and that is what makes it a collective form of art, which a movie is, just as a medieval cathedral) and/or get creative (the creativity doesn't show here, but i bet there was plenty of it in the production: surely they had to pull some strings with the local community and had to really figure how to get things done with such a low budget). This is clearly more of a "movie" than the antithesis of it - "a product".