Review of KM17

KM17 (2024)
They Drive a Taxi by Night
20 November 2024
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

*Plot and ending analyzed*

KM17 (2024)

Well, that was a bit odd. A worried sister picks up a taxi on milepost Km17 in whatever African city it is supposed to be. The driver attempts to speak to her, but she rebukes him at every turn. They add plenty of ludicrous contrived scenes while they are driving. Like hitting a pothole, or swerving the car, and they are so exaggerated. And they keep driving. What a far distance in whatever African city it is supposed to be.

Then there are flashbacks that show us that her sister was kidnapped by some taxi driver. The kidnapped sister was able to use her phone to tell her other sister the horrific details. Her other sister is also taking care of their infirm mother, who just happens to die during the kidnapping. How is that for coincidence?

Anyways, it turns out that the taxi driver 'is' the one who kidnapped the woman's sister. And he is a bit disturbed in the head. Who isn't nowadays? He later shoots two roadside policemen who stop them at a checkpoint. There is some uncomfortable and disgusting violence in the movie. It is not choreographed particularly brutally, but it is harsh and blatant, so some people may feel unease.

It turns out that the taxi driver lost his mother when she was driving to a church, and she flew through a windshield. How is that for coincidence? The taxi driver wants to revive her in the kidnapped sister's body by using some type of ritual incantation, or something. (?) So now we get slapped with a horror movie in the last closing moments. Okay, how is 'that' for coincidence?

The movie completely falls apart in the last ten minutes, when it becomes another cliched 'super woman' ending scenario, whereby the other sister somehow breaks her ropes, grabs the convenient gun nearby, and fights the huge taxi driver, who looks like a thinner sumo black wrestler by the way. She gets off a mortal shot to the head as well. And then the two sisters are at the grave of the deceased mother. End. It all seemed too rushed, and pointless.

The movie is no-budget, but the colors look nice because they film most of the scenes at night. It was hovering around the low end end of average, but with the ridiculous ending, it fell way below.

Grade: D -

What we learned from the movie:

The cabs in some African cities are entirely blue, and they have no markings on the door, or roof to identify them as taxi cars.

Some African policemen have nothing to do except guard empty roads at night.

Some African women have the ability to beat up African men three times their size.

There are an inordinate amount of homicidal maniac taxi drivers running around certain African cities.
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