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26 November 2024
In a season that has been a little off, this episode is why I fell in love with WWDITS from the very first episode. With their childlike knowledge and use of the everyday and how they put sexy into almost anything, this is the best I've seen from every character this season. So happy to see Nadja being her usual depraved self and not a corporate clown of Cannon Capital. I personally am over the whole CC part of the story, (minus Nandor as a janitor. Watching him do his janitor duties was Hilarious.) but I'm pretty sure it's part of Guillermo's journey.

I believe most people who have watched the show from the beginning will be pleased with this particular episode.

I will miss the show when it's over. I have found very few current shows that I enjoy as much as this one.

RIP Carla Mingiardi.
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