Bones: The Bones That Foam (2009)
Season 4, Episode 16
this episode was like the first fast & furious, but with a monkey and a weird crime
5 December 2024
Those audi r8 scenes, that roaaaar¡¡¡ and brennan saying what always is thinking, and the driving.

This episode was a mix of alien and the first fast & furious, after this, all i want is to hear engines roar angela finally was called-even if she is always ready to help.

Lets be honest, for the audi roar and the funny way to interrogate people, this was a fun episode.

The crime was like a alien movie, and the car scenes feel more like should be in the next fast x it feeled more fast and furious than the last fast and furious¡¡¡ is nice to see angela and hodgins fine, even if they are separated now and brennan that is passionate give her the car, booth¡¡¡
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