The entire thing was absolutely awful and showed yet another lazy British writer made absolutely no attempt to research his subject or bother to find out even the smallest thing about crocodile behaviour or nature, nor did they even bother to find out about mine exploring or caving.
The acting can only be described as atrocious at best and the actual filming was and lighting was terrible, if you want to keep your sanity or at minimal your common sense stay away from this absolute stinker and go watch ANYTHING ELSE, but this abomination because it is an insult to anyone who watches it and every crocodile ever.
The acting can only be described as atrocious at best and the actual filming was and lighting was terrible, if you want to keep your sanity or at minimal your common sense stay away from this absolute stinker and go watch ANYTHING ELSE, but this abomination because it is an insult to anyone who watches it and every crocodile ever.