I came across this six-part mini-series on a set of DVDs that my public library just added. On the surface it has several good things going for it. First I love New Orleans, I have been there many times, my wife grew up there, I used to live in a community just a few miles west of New Orleans. It is filmed there, I recognize the locations.
Plus I am big fans of two of the actors, the rest I don't know. Giancarlo Esposito was wonderful as Gus Fring in "Breaking Bad" which owes a lot of its popularity to his role. Here he plays the lead character, a driver, named 'Gray' Parish. The other is Skeet Ulrich as Colin.
The premise is thin, Gray and his wife discuss their lack of finances and fear they will lose their New Orleans home. She is suggesting they look at a less expensive, 2000-sq-ft home in Covington, just across the lake north of New Orleans. So he decides to do a driving job for some South African gangsters. There is a short chase scene on foot and they encounter a parade, an all too common cliche' for New Orleans locations.
After one episode I don't know how much more I will continue with. While the locations and cinematography are bonuses, the script and action don't have much subtlety. The story doesn't flow very well and the script is plain vanilla. With so many competing choices I don't know if I will spend the rest of the time to watch it all.
I will update my review if I do.
Update: I watched the second episode then gave up. Nothing but a bunch of bad people doing bad things and frankly not very interesting bad things. So I quit.
Plus I am big fans of two of the actors, the rest I don't know. Giancarlo Esposito was wonderful as Gus Fring in "Breaking Bad" which owes a lot of its popularity to his role. Here he plays the lead character, a driver, named 'Gray' Parish. The other is Skeet Ulrich as Colin.
The premise is thin, Gray and his wife discuss their lack of finances and fear they will lose their New Orleans home. She is suggesting they look at a less expensive, 2000-sq-ft home in Covington, just across the lake north of New Orleans. So he decides to do a driving job for some South African gangsters. There is a short chase scene on foot and they encounter a parade, an all too common cliche' for New Orleans locations.
After one episode I don't know how much more I will continue with. While the locations and cinematography are bonuses, the script and action don't have much subtlety. The story doesn't flow very well and the script is plain vanilla. With so many competing choices I don't know if I will spend the rest of the time to watch it all.
I will update my review if I do.
Update: I watched the second episode then gave up. Nothing but a bunch of bad people doing bad things and frankly not very interesting bad things. So I quit.