Talju (2024)
A Gripping Human Drama
19 December 2024
Escape (2024) is the latest release from Well Go USA. It is a gripping, compelling, human story coming out of South Korea. We have long hailed South Korea films as being some of the top in the world, and this film reinforces that sentiment. While it may be be fair to say that the closed off nature of the North Korean regime leaves much about what happens across the DMZ to the imagination, there is enough information from the historical data gathered from Defectors to paint a general picture of the conditions there. This film comes from the perspective, not of an ordinary citizen of North Korea who decides to defect, but from that of a solder. As the film lays out, the punishment for such an act is, ultimately, death. It is with that knowledge that we are riveted by the notion that a person would risk death for their freedom from totalitarianism; something most of us in the West take for granted. The acting is strong. Performances by Lee Jon-Hee and Kyo-Hwan Koo are the strength of the movie. They provide great depth, without superfluous dialogue. The action and Direction are very good here. It is brutal in spots. While the film does have some spots where you need to suspend belief; I don't think that hurts the appreciation of the vehicle. While the film may have a different reception in South Korea; it seems the film highlights the value of modern South Korea life. The film is best watched in Korean with subtitles.
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