Laura's Star is a magical story based on the hugely popular books of Klaus Baumgart and it is about a 7 year old girl who has moved from the country to the city with her younger brother and parents. She is unhappy about having to leave her friends and her garden (she lives on a top floor apartment in a German city now) and is a loner who doesn't want to make new friends.
One night Laura sees a little star falling out of the sky and it lands in a park not far from Laura's bedroom window, she rushes out to find a broken star and she takes it upon herself to make it better. The star is, of course, a magic star and whatever it touches it brings to life albeit in the form of her 2 soft toys but the star cannot survive if it stays on earth.
This is one of those movies that does just enough to keep the mind of a 7 year old focused for 80 minutes but rather lets the adult down however girls will love it no doubt.
One night Laura sees a little star falling out of the sky and it lands in a park not far from Laura's bedroom window, she rushes out to find a broken star and she takes it upon herself to make it better. The star is, of course, a magic star and whatever it touches it brings to life albeit in the form of her 2 soft toys but the star cannot survive if it stays on earth.
This is one of those movies that does just enough to keep the mind of a 7 year old focused for 80 minutes but rather lets the adult down however girls will love it no doubt.