Lautlose Morde (2010 TV Movie)
(Jessica) Black and White
23 December 2024
Schwarz (as in Jessica) means black in German - so no pun intended still valid? Well let's just go with it as always. There are not too many genre movies in Germany - or maybe they do not see the light of day. I was not aware of this one before I saw it pop up at a streaming service. I could have done without watching it I reckon - and the same is true for you.

On the other hand if you have a knack for thrillers and/or the main actress (maybe even someone else in the cast), you will have something to look forward to. No nudity or anything salacious in case you were wondering - and if you were I assume you might be disappointed - just giving you the facts.

Script and acting are on a low point (we are talking tv movie of the week, maybe not even that) ... so be aware of what you are letting yourself into.
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