DarkGame (2024)
Should probably just be free on YouTube.
25 December 2024
I think the budget for this movie was a chocolate bar and a packet of crisps. Just a bigger budget for this would have given it a better overall quality, as the sets look like they were made by 3rd-year degree students at your local HE college.

The script and cast were fine, but because it looks so cheap it's hard to take it seriously. If it was free on YouTube, I think the ratings would be higher, but as this was supposedly made by people who work in the industry, this was of a level that is not really acceptable.

The script and main cast carry this film into 6 or 7 territory, but it looks like it was shot on an iPhone at points. It's also glaringly obvious that this was not shot in The States as accents often slip, and the little token American flags everywhere do little to transport us to 'the land of the free'.

There are far better low-budget movies of a similar nature out there - Long Legs, Red Rooms, and Milk and Cereal being just a few examples.

If they make a sequel to this I hope really they get a bigger budget - at least that way it won't look like it was shot by the local A-level film school.
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