Watch the first two ["The Endless Summer" (1966), directed by Bruce Brown and "The Endless Summer II" (1994), also directed by Bruce Brown] within a fairly short period of time (preferably during winter in a cold climate), then watch this one.
Lots of talking heads, but fascinating and very enjoyable. Many of the contributors are guys I'd like to meet.
As someone who remembers the '60s, it was interesting to hear about the vibe back then from several of the era's contributing players.
My only complaint was that the movie was too short. I could have watched it for another half-hour, at least.
Lots of talking heads, but fascinating and very enjoyable. Many of the contributors are guys I'd like to meet.
As someone who remembers the '60s, it was interesting to hear about the vibe back then from several of the era's contributing players.
My only complaint was that the movie was too short. I could have watched it for another half-hour, at least.