Sworn Revenge (2000)
May comes back to claim the house her dead sister bequeathed to her and later finds out it is haunted.
6 March 2005
Decent film. Not so much horror as comedy. Worth a watch every so often, for me anyways. It's just very interesting. The comedy is very strange and some of the acting isn't done very well.

This movie is in no way scary. And the effects are not done very well. There is one scene that is done exceptionally with regards to special effects.

Maybe this movie is better if you understand Cantonese, which I don't, since the English subtitles are not perfect in any way.

My dad's work received this DVD randomly. I'm guessing it made it to the wrong address. They gave it to my dad because "he's Asian." I do enjoy many HK films and this one is worth keeping, especially since I got it for free.
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