I had to see this film because my Film History 2 professor made us watch it. My professor told us that he had just come across Joao and he loved this film and he loves all of the films he has seen by him. I have no idea why though. In my opinion this was three hours of nonsense. I sat there confused the entire time. The only thing I understood about the plot was the part about his son and even that has it's holes. I also think he is kind of a copy cat because I saw many of the same sexual things that Godard did in his films. In fact, by the end of this film I felt like I had just finished watching a Godard film. I came out of class feeling confused and disgusted. I do not recommend this film to anyone unless they love Extremely slow moving films, subtitles, and a completely confusing plot. The other reason I found this film hard to watch was because it was in Portuguese and I speak some Castillion Spanish so that combined with the English subtitles drove me nuts. I think most people won't find this a problem, but I did. Again I do not recommend this to anyone. I thought the independent film "The Item" was the worst movie I had ever seen, but then I saw this one. I hope this saves a lot of people from the same torture I had to endure.