This is a brilliant representation of a classic Regimental Sergeant Major, and shows the classic values that should continue to thrive (and sadly don't) in our military of today.
Over the top? Yes... a little...but show me a TRUE RSM who isn't. Such men really existed... and they were a source of inspiration, guidance and customs and traditions for many.
Well done by Sir Richard.
From what I've heard, he spent a year preparing for this role by understudying real RSMs at the RSM-prep school in Sandhurst.
I've used this film as a training aid when teaching leadership to young soldiers - and I continue to enjoy it today.
Over the top? Yes... a little...but show me a TRUE RSM who isn't. Such men really existed... and they were a source of inspiration, guidance and customs and traditions for many.
Well done by Sir Richard.
From what I've heard, he spent a year preparing for this role by understudying real RSMs at the RSM-prep school in Sandhurst.
I've used this film as a training aid when teaching leadership to young soldiers - and I continue to enjoy it today.