Big trucks on a roller-coaster adventure in Saharan Africa
9 August 2005
Belmondo and Ventura are top-notch in this great Saharan adventure. A network of French long-distance truckers live the macho life in the Arabic western (I think) Sahara. When young Belmondo steals a truck with $100,000 of contraband and takes off across the desert and mountains, the chase begins. If you've seen The Wages of Fear (and you'd better!), this will recall that great adventure, although the seat-of-your pants tension is replaced by the back-and-forth fortunes and fun of the pursuit. But it's the same rough-man frontier atmosphere, same epic scale of adventure, same wide-screen memorable scenery in stunning locations, same big trucks, same handful of beautiful females. I'm sure the film is hard to find in English (I saw it on french TV), but watch it if you find it. You won't regret it.
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