Review of 88 Antop Hill

88 Antop Hill (2003)
Not an Indian horror movie!
24 August 2005
A bloody (in more ways than one) whodunnit ffs! I got this film out because I saw trailers and thought, nice a possible Silent Hill (if you've played the games on the play station/xbox) type of film. Should be plenty of bad things happening.

Alas, it turned out to be a drawn out whodunnit and not a brilliant one at that. Some people will figure out the 'killer', others just won't care when its eventually revealed. I was the latter.

Acting was average by everybody, didn't know any of the faces and the storyline was bog-standard and monotonous. Filming was actually quite good and you could see some money was spent here. I gave the film 5/10 (and that's generous).
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