White Trash post-68 style
27 August 2005
Roger Vadim surpasses himself in this one: His acting is even worse than his direction. The story obviously wants to take a shocking look at the dark side of love as they take place - not surprisingly - in the world of the rich and famous. If it only were for this moral aspect, the film might have been entertaining; but in fact, the insights into the decadence are too "fashioned". Social reality in the 68-era was not about reaching to heights of hedonism, but this film acts as if. Don't worry to miss any clichés, there are all here: From the rich but strange billionaires son to the deranged homosexual and the nymphomaniac chick. It's all dressed in a sort of crime-story mainly told in flashbacks, with the least likable protagonist imaginable. Too sum up, this one is so bad and pretentious that it almost becomes interesting again just because of these qualities.
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