Review of elimiDATE

elimiDATE (2001– )
Big egos and little brains
30 August 2005
Big egos and little brains is the recurring theme of elimidate. I work late and not much is on TV, and I watch portions of elimidate. The viewer observes the following. 1) Many of the contestants look burnt out. If the viewer's hormones are not at a high school level many of the people look like the bar trash one would not walk but run away from. Camera hogs, ego driven people who believe they are god's gift to the opposite sex. 2) The loser usually is the one who wins elimidate. Look at me I acted so foolish and for my stupid behavior I won a date with an idiot. 3) One gets to hear such interesting conversation like, you dress like a slut, body piercing, and I have bigger boobs than the other contestant. With Such a conversation I rush my finger to hit the channel change button on the remote. 4) Many of the contestants will probably be seen later on the Murry Polivich show. What is wrong with these people!
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