One For The Road' is a low budget British production directed by newcomer Chris Cooke.The story centres around four men, convicted of drink driving and who volunteer to take a rehabilitation course to have their bans decreased. The film is a kind of cross between The Office and Glen Gary Glen Ross, in a pub, with each problem one of the individual's meets sorted out by necking a few down the boozer.
The film is quite a downbeat affair but is interspersed with some great black, but witty humour and some nice one liners.
"There's something we're supposed to do in these situations and until we think of it we should stay calm."
'One For The Road' is by no means a laugh feast but neither is it a dour depressing experience-highly recommended and very admirable debut from Cooke.
The film is quite a downbeat affair but is interspersed with some great black, but witty humour and some nice one liners.
"There's something we're supposed to do in these situations and until we think of it we should stay calm."
'One For The Road' is by no means a laugh feast but neither is it a dour depressing experience-highly recommended and very admirable debut from Cooke.