Review of Revolver

Revolver (2005)
Not what I expected...
12 September 2005
I was at the premiere last night with 2000 other people, sitting in crappy balcony seats but whatever at least I got in. Anyways from my expectations of the film and the synopsis I figured it would be like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels as well as Snatch, well Revolver was not like those two, but rather very different. Guy Ritchie tried to pull some David Lynch type stuff this time around, dealing with psychological issues with his characters. Jason Statham gave a hell of a performance, as did Ray Liotta who was always wearing his briefs throughout the film which made the audience laugh quite a bit. Those expecting a great film, this really isn't a great film but it's a good film with great visuals and some weird animation sequences thrown in for no apparent reason I think (ala Kill Bill). The story was quite confusing to say the least but I like the concept of the film of the con artists getting conned. Whatever the case may be, I might have to watch it again when it's released in theatres to see if there is something I missed. A lot of the people after the movie was finished left with confused looks on their faces and couldn't stop talking about how the movie didn't make sense or because it wasn't like Lock Stock or Snatch, you know what? I'll give Guy Ritchie for taking his gangster film and taking a whole different spin on it.

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