This film isn't available at your local video store and truthfully that's not such a bad thing. The plot is a little rough but I'll try and explain it. A man gets involved in some sort of grave robbing situation and then gets kicked into the grave and switches souls with a Mexican serial killer named Blade. Meanwhile, this poor dude's white trash family finds out that he died on a plane crash (????) and have been awarded money from his life insurance policy. When Blade wants to get out of his grave and walk around (with a pole in his stomach)he heads home to his crazy, money hungry family. Not being able to suppress his homicidal urges he finds himself killing a lot of people and his family wants to kill him so they can keep the money. There are a few bright spots in this low-budget horror flick. Richard Gabai has a supporting role as Danny the boyfriend and he gets to have sex with Allison Barron. Way to go, Richard. The music is pretty cool, especially the theme "Thicker than Blood". Linnea Quigley has a meaty role as Wanda, Blade's psychic stripper girlfriend.I really don't think that the quality of the film is the fault of the film-makers. I think that if they had a bigger budget and more time then it had the potential to be a really good horror flick. It does have good gore and a great extended love scene with a funny punchline. Where it fails is with the script and storyline. The acting isn't bad and the actors have no trouble with comic timing. And finally if you watch this movie with people who like to drink you can come up with a game where you drink every time Allison Barron says "it's all my fault". You will be drunk in no time.