Lash has a way of shooting from the hip. No aiming at the villains, just firing away at hip level. Amazing! His buddy " Fuzzy " is just great as the side kick - a character actor who really understood how to play second fiddle and yet be remembered as a character. Lots of fist fights and hard riding - light weight stuff but thoroughly enjoyable. Still have to chuckle at the shooting from the hip style - surprisingly accurate. He also has a pretty sharp horse - not as good as Tom Mix's " Tony " but good for standing on it's hind legs and riding hard. I remember Lash from the 1950's on TV but I'm not sure if it was from a TV series or old movie reruns. It was just fun to watch a couple of his old films again. Lash, by the way, is pressed pretty hard by Fuzzy - who is one of those thoroughly remember-able characters. It's like our current sitcoms - fun to watch - but not a good idea to attach current social values to - times and social values have changed. Hang loose and enjoy.