Review of Versus

Versus (II) (2000)
Who lied and said this was worth seeing?
16 October 2005
Some may forgive this movie for no plot, but it's thin on pretty much everything else as well.

The plot? Well, some prisoner with an attitude escapes... in the FOREST OF RESURRECTION. Things that die come back to life here. Sound interesting? Well, it gets worse. Actually, the plot is pretty much your standard horrible anime script. Some hero fights mystical stuff, for some reasons we don't really know.

As if the plot wasn't testing your patience, the poorly conceived and performed characters drive it further into the ground. The "hero" is more a caricature of a tough guy than the real thing to even take seriously. I can't even take the villain seriously as he seems as if he's bored while trying to recite some contrived lines.

Action sequences are pretty dull, as 'action' is construed as a mass of guns being fired or some unimaginative martial arts choreography. The director probably knew this which is why most martial arts scenes were extremely up close- so you can't see how horrible the fights actually are.

I watched the unrated director's cut, the unrated probably from the unnecessary overuse of gore. Whether it was to be a joking prop, so much was shown it got old.

This movie is awful. Anyone who rates this movie over a 5 probably shouldn't be recommending movies to others. The direction and execution of this movie gives me the impression that this movie would be material for crusty American Japanophiles. Well, here's your movie.
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