I recently bought the Song Of India video from e-bay. I had heard that Sabu's wife replaced an ailing Gail Russell in the leading role (which was how they first met) however after watching the film, Sabu's wife is either a dead ringer for Gail Russell or they re shot the whole film when she was feeling better because that certainly looks like Gail Russell to me. So anyone know what happened there? I actually enjoyed the movie and though it is really very unsophisticated for todays audience I found that very fact to be what gave it that lovely nostalgic flavor. Gail Russell and Sabu are both of course gorgeous and Sabu's sweet personality actually gets to come across in this tale. He is nice and very polite even to the bad guy, right up to the very end that is. Deffenently a good movie for kids to watch. Janice K.