The film talks about the Enterprise crew that after celebration of betrothal between Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Troy (Marina Sirtis) getting homeland , but the discovery a dismantled prototype of android Data (Brent Spiner) originates news dangers and risks . Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) then acts as an ambassador in the conflict between the Romulans and the Federation , but he receives the Romulans's intention of dealing with an important peace treatise . The ruler of Romulans (Tom Hardy) has an absolutely likeness to a young Picard and seems his dark wishes aren't clears but treacherous and taking off comes out.
¨Star Trek¨ series remains a landmark in the story of science fiction cinema and television . In this ¨next generation's ¨ incarnation find the usual saga actors , the previously named , plus Worf (Michael Dorn) , Levar Burton (La Forge), Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden )and her son (Will Wheaton) . Besides , there appears a masked Ron Perlman with a good make-up and other original characters making a brief appearance as Woopi Goldberg and Kate Mulgrew who is starring in her proper ¨spin off¨, Star Trek's Voyager . The movie has more comedy and romance than customarily made in the ordinary development of the franchise . As always , for comic relief is in charge of android Data , well performed by Brent Spiner . Humor, idealism , species' protection , humanity, trademark effects are several features that abound these films and will please the enthusiasts as well as the initiated viewers . Excellent effects specials are magnificently realized , courtesy of Industrial Light and Magic , I.L.M. by George Lucas production . This thrilling picture has a climatic and exceptional ending . Jerry Goldsmith's soundtrack ( episodes' habitual musician ) is spectacular and atmospheric . The motion picture was correctly directed by Stuart Baird . The yarn will appeal to hard core trekkers.
¨Star Trek¨ series remains a landmark in the story of science fiction cinema and television . In this ¨next generation's ¨ incarnation find the usual saga actors , the previously named , plus Worf (Michael Dorn) , Levar Burton (La Forge), Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden )and her son (Will Wheaton) . Besides , there appears a masked Ron Perlman with a good make-up and other original characters making a brief appearance as Woopi Goldberg and Kate Mulgrew who is starring in her proper ¨spin off¨, Star Trek's Voyager . The movie has more comedy and romance than customarily made in the ordinary development of the franchise . As always , for comic relief is in charge of android Data , well performed by Brent Spiner . Humor, idealism , species' protection , humanity, trademark effects are several features that abound these films and will please the enthusiasts as well as the initiated viewers . Excellent effects specials are magnificently realized , courtesy of Industrial Light and Magic , I.L.M. by George Lucas production . This thrilling picture has a climatic and exceptional ending . Jerry Goldsmith's soundtrack ( episodes' habitual musician ) is spectacular and atmospheric . The motion picture was correctly directed by Stuart Baird . The yarn will appeal to hard core trekkers.