No "Detour", but one fun ride!
25 July 2005
Ironic, given that TCM's print of "Detour" looks and sounds so awful it borders on unwatchable, this little film plays with crystal clear sound and a perfect picture.

While "Devil" does not really approach the genius of "Detour", it is a very engaging story and a fun hour of film. The hitch-hiker is disturbingly without conscience, and his ability to manipulate the actions of both the driver and the other passengers display a rather keen understanding of the sociopathic personality. Just how different life was in the 1940's is immediately made clear by those two dames that get picked up early in the film (this is so unlikely in 21st America that no self-respecting film-maker would ask you to believe it).

The pace is taunt, which I like, and there are a few real surprises along the way. Our story is marred only (and BADLY) by a very stupid slapped on ending that may have gotten a chuckle out of contemporary audiences, but will surely illicit only groans from the modern viewer. Still worthwhile, enjoy the ride and don't pick up any strangers!
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