After an exciting opening, BRAVE YOUNG GIRLS kicks in...sort of. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good action-thriller, but the first half of it plays out like a cautionary made-for-TV movie. It centers on three girls who find themselves trapped in lives as Triad-controlled prostitutes, which can be best described as modern-day slavery. Salvation comes to help them in the form of an Interpol detective (Yukari Oshima from "FINAL RUN" and "MIDNIGHT ANGEL") who wants to save them and break the gangsters. Be forewarned: the martial arts action in this movie is as brutal as it gets, and Yukari shows why she's an unsung legend in international action films! (There is also a brief cameo by Kara-Hui Yin-Hung, "MY YOUNG AUNTIE" herself, kicking the snot out of some bad guys!)
Review of Hei hai ba wang hua
Hei hai ba wang hua
One of Yukari Oshima's best...although you can't tell at first!
29 July 2005