If you like cheesy cheese with extra cheese then you will love this show, if your part of the other 6 billion people on the planet then you won't. Whether it's funerals, weddings or 9 year old children in comas this show manages to make every situation it presents laughable. It's as if they locked a horse, powerpuff girls and E.R in a room and forced them to create mutant offspring. From the first episode you can instantaneously tell that this show is nothing but a vehicle for endless merchandise, sure it's packaged nicely with enough flowers and cutsey little girls to make you sick, but it just doesn't cover the horrible commercialism this show has. This became blatantly apparent when the stars of the show formed a band, and then every other minor character on the show followed suit and released one after another horrible singles. If you liked this show when it was aired then i can guarantee that you will look back on it and shudder.