Review of Bawke

Bawke (2005)
Beautiful short film...
24 January 2006
This is a really great short film that I was fortunate enough to see while at Sundance. I'm not sure who the kid actor is, but his performance is incredible. Literally, the most powerful performance I've seen from a child actor since Joel Haley Osment (sp?) in the 6th Sense.

The cinematic style is gritty and real -- just beautifully shot. It's paced perfectly. The musical score is incredible. Really one of those rare short films that you see that emotionally invests the audience -- probably the best of its kind since the short film "Most" -- which played at Sundance in 2003. I think half the audience was crying during the screening.

If you get a chance, I think it's definitely worth checking out. The final shot is beautifully conceived -- and a testament to the director's talent. One picture saying more than I could in a thousand words. I guess my only criticism is that the crux of the story borders on resorting to cheap sentimentality.
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