Review of French Silk

French Silk (1994 TV Movie)
A very pleasing event in the day.
8 February 2006
I surfed the listings and recognized Susan Lucci's name so I intended to look into the drama and pop out if it did not grab my attention. I guess I admire Ms. Lucci's part so I remained tuned until the final scene. Most of the time I watch FNC and spending time with a movie is not my usual habit. The drama was attention-getting and the plot was straight forward. Susan Lucci is an eye catcher. I will pay more attention to the actresses in the listings of the TV programs. The entire program was pleasing and interesting...I appreciate a movie that is free from distracting sounds and profanity.. something that is fairly close to a view of normal, everyday life and a little touch of suspense. This was a pleasant time and I continue to look for older movies such as "Kiss and Tell". That title gave real pleasure to view.
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